Before you launch, we really advise you to plan and prepare every aspect of how you’ll manage and promote your campaign. 


Create Your Page

  • Write a compelling story 

  • Choose great quality engaging images

  • Set your campaign length and target amount

  • Choose and clearly describe your Hero Levels and Rewards

  • Plan your campaign page updates

  • Create a campaign banner ad for your website

  • Produce an engaging campaign video



Set up Payments

  •  We are in the process of updating this part of Zohero, for detailed information please contact our support team



Prepare to Promote

  • Create a campaign promotion calendar

  • Plan a newsletter or email shot to all of your database. This can give your campaign an initial boost at launch.

  • Create a social media scheduling account - try Hootsuite, Tweetdeck or Buffer

  • Plan content for several posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and/or other relevant social media channels. Building an audience and keeping them engaged with your campaign is important for fundraising and for supporter satisfaction.

  • Publish your campaign banner ad on your website - or get the IT team to :)

  • Find campaign ambassadors with links to those who can help spread the campaign. Do you have any famous or influential fans or contacts?

  • Press - Talk to the local, industry or even national press and ask them to write an article about the campaign 

  • Run a real world event, meet up or party to launch the campaign


You don’t have to do everything on our list, but the more you prepare, the better your chances of success!


Good luck!